Linggo, Disyembre 14, 2014

Are you single? It's not about finding THE ONE. It's about preparing to be THE ONE.

You might be wishing to finally meet THE ONE that could make you smile,flutter your heart and make you feel complete.

But hey! Do not stress yourself over it. Thinking too much won't do good.

When you get married, you're married for the rest of your life. So why not enjoy yourself being single now while you can? What's wrong with people is that they usually fail to enjoy every little detail of where they are. They do focus on where they aren't.

Singles, listen. Let's remember our First Love who is Jesus. Until we give our whole heart to the One who created it, we would be merely looking for someone who is also imperfect and incomplete to love us.

Girls, you don't need a guy for you to feel loved. YOU ARE LOVED ALREADY. A man died for you 2000 years ago.

You don't need somebody to tell you are beautiful. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

You don't need someone to make you whole. YOU'RE MADE WHOLE ALREADY. God made you just. Jesus redeemed you and bought you with a price.

Only when you go back to your First Love will you be ready for a love story that reflects God's glory.

Now, live great for your King and Savior. Live for your Father which is in heaven. Do not be a woman who needs a man. Be a woman a man needs.

Serve the Lord. Go to Church. Have time with Christian Friends. Do Soulwinning! Make new friends and bring them to the Lord. Be a good influence.

Life is so short. One day you'll go home to heaven. And isn't it amazing to look back and see how God's grace made you able to do wonderful things for him? #pricelessjoy

-Lorelie P. Ferrer